Monday, April 5, 2010

Cambodia Office's Focus for April

Meeting everyone at Riverkids, Cambodia.

This month began with a meeting involving all part and full time Riverkids staff in Cambodia, with a focus on Staff Policy and Safe School, presented by Sophal and Ritthy respectively.

On Staff Policy, we touched on self-discipline, responsibility, team spirit, co-operation, staying vigilant, integrity and client confidentiality.

Safe School means that we will work closely with the teachers to create, not an abusive but friendly, happy and conducive environment for children to learn and play in. We also want to ensure that the children have the materials and supplies that they need for school.

It was a fruitful meeting and Sophon took the opportunity to thank all staff for their hard work and commitment. Without everyone working together conscientiously as a team, we would not be able to intervene in a crisis, implement the necessary programs and keep the children safe from trafficking.

Contributed by: Sophea

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